
adjective /kənˈtinjənt

Subject to chance (of losses, liabilities, etc.) That can be anticipated to arise if a particular event occurs Occurring or existing only if (certain other circumstances) are the case; dependent on

noun /kənˈtinjənt/

A group of people united by some common feature, forming part of a larger group. A body of troops or police sent to join a largebe in an operation


Late 14c., from O.Fr. contingent or directly from L. contingentem (nom, contingens) “happening, touching,” prp. of contingere “to touch” (see contact) The noun is from 1540s, “thing happening by chance;” as “a group forming part of a larger group” from 1727.

About Us

“It’s about being passionate about what we do as well as having a little fun!”

The Contingent team has accumulated vast experience in the HR, recruitment, procurement, accounting and service sectors. This combined knowledge and personal observations of the pervasiveness of the contingent workforce has led to the development of The Contingent and its core service offerings.

We acknowledge that this evolving workforce requires our solutions to be adaptable and relevant to support an ever-changing landscape.

We value the importance of providing a comprehensive contractor workforce solution to the individual, employer and recruitment agency.

Find out more by reading the article contained in Employment Today by clicking here.

The Contingent Board

Pat Dunn

Executive Director

Pat brings extensive expertise and knowledge gained over a 30 year career as an HR and procurement executive.

Paddy Faisandier

Executive Director – MBA

Paddy has had 30 years experience operating service orientated businesses spanning logistics, construction and finance sectors.

Todrick Taylor

Non-Executive Director – CA

Todrick was the founder of Taylor Associates, now in the WHK Group, and has been involved in accountancy for 22 years in public practices, commercial and banking sectors.

Mark Chote

Non-Executive Director

Mark is a recruitment industry executive, company director and advisor with 28 years experience having founded and led businesses in NZ and Australia